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Categories Archives:
3/14 DGR NYC Meeting
When: Thursday, March 14th at 6pm

March 16-23 – Tar Sands Blockade Week of Action
Join the Week of Action: Stop Tar Sands Profiteers
Two Row Campaign @ Judson Memorial Church, NYC
Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign at Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, New York
Starting Sunday January 27th,11:00am, Judson will be hosting a series of Native American Testimonies on the last Sunday of every month, as part of the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign.
A partnership between the Onondaga Nation and Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) is developing a broad alliance between the Haudenosaunee and their allies in New York and throughout the world. This statewide advocacy and educational campaign seeks to achieve justice by polishing the chain of friendship established in the first treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Dutch immigrants. Environmental cleanup and preservation, and opposition to hydro-fracking are the core components of the campaign.