New York
Recent events have certainly shown that these are excitingly terrifying times to live in. With recent upheavals, new forms of oppression, and increasingly powerful pockets of resistance, we wish to add to that global conversation. Come join us at the Left Forum May 29th-May 31st. Be ready to learn about issues, discuss solutions and help create a true culture of resistance.
Let us turn “love into a verb”.
We’ll be facilitating the following discussion session:
We are daily confronted with the onslaught of destruction wrought by the industrial power system. Inequality around the world is at an all time high as opulence excels, water scarcity is becoming an oppressive reality for large portions of the world as we water golf courses in Arizona, and as peak oil develops, we find new and horrific ways to power our industrial economy. Worst of all, we idly stand by as industrial civilization decimates entire ecosystems, produces irreversible climate change, and pushes 200 species to extinction a day. Is industrial civilization a war against the natural world? And if so, what is our threshold for fighting back? We on the left cling to ineffective strategies, symbolism, and working to be the change we want to see. In doing so, we are left powerless to stop the destruction. What then needs to change? What other strategies do we need to be discussing? If we truly accept the reality of the world as it exists, and if we accept the reality that the tactics used by our “movement” have not worked, how does that change our methods of resistance? A look at successful resistance movements can offer us a path. Join us as we discuss the historical context for underground resistance, confront popular myths concerning violence, and work to build a true culture of resistance here in the Empire State.